Who Owns Bitcoin with Troy Cross

Troy Cross is a Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Reed College & Chief Editor at The Nakamoto Project. In this interview, we discuss Democratic corruption & conspiracy, how Bitcoin transcends politics, Bitcoin’s morality & perception, and how we reach the next level of adoption.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Bitcoin Level 2 with Harry Sudock

Harry Sudock is the Chief Strategy Officer at Griid. In this interview, we discuss Bitcoin mining in the US, how the mining industry has been on easy mode, what changed after the recent halving and businesses now have to adapt and level up to survive.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Bitcoin Marginalism with Eric Yakes

Eric Yakes is the Managing Partner at Epoch and the Author of The 7th Property: Bitcoin and the Monetary Revolution. In this interview, we discuss the economic theory of marginalism, how this translates to Bitcoin, Bitcoin adoption cycles and the challenges of investing in Bitcoin companies.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Bitcoin War Games with Matthew Pines

Matthew Pines is the Director of Intelligence at SentinelOne and a National Security Fellow at the Bitcoin Policy Institute. In this interview, we discuss geopolitical flashpoints of destabilisation, global nuclear-threat game theory, the implications of extraterrestrial technology, and the nation-state Bitcoin race.

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PodcastPeter McCormack