What Bitcoin Did with Jack Mallers, Matt Odell, & Harry Sudock

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We are promethean, we are taking the thermodynamic future of our planet and charging batteries that are full of the hardest money on earth and saving it in perpetuity…we have discovered fire, the world will never be the same again, we have a new tool that is going to re-shape the societies around us and the universe within our own minds…value can be delivered to the world in excess of the cost that it takes to deliver that value.
— Harry Sudock


That’s a wrap! What Bitcoin Did is over, and what better way to close out the podcast than an episode with three of our favourite Bitcoiners, Jack Mallers, Matt Odell and Harry Sudock. In this one we did a little bit of reminiscing, discussed Bitcoin as hope, how the space is evolving and why we decided to end the podcast.


Coming Soon…



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