Gradually then Suddenly Pt 3 - Bitcoin is Common Sense with Parker Lewis


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Everyone is afforded equal rights under the law of bitcoin, nobody gets to print money...when the Fed prints 3 trillion dollars they hit a button on a computer screen and suddenly 3 trillion dollars appear, did that create any economic value?
— Parker Lewis


Location: Remotely
Date: Tuesday 3rd August
Company: Unchained Capital
Role: Head of Business Development

For people new to bitcoin, it can be confusing at first. From public key cryptography to mining, block sizes to nodes, there are many new ideas to understand. However, bitcoin has a sound monetary policy at its core, and understanding this is the most important step in understanding it.

Over the last 18 months, central banks worldwide have issued currency at alarming rates in an attempt to bolster economies and stimulate growth. In reality, this practice is also boosting asset prices while debasing the currency.

Bitcoin offers a sound alternative and as Parker Lewis says, "Bananas grow on trees. Money does not, and bitcoin is the force that reawakens everyone to the reality that was always the case". It's for this reason that bitcoin is common sense.

In this interview, we discuss the printing of money and currency debasement by central banks, why bitcoin is anti-fragile and what makes it a common-sense alternative.


00:05:17: Introductions
00:06:37: Bitcoin is a Rally Cry
The consequences of money printing
00:24:35: Bitcoin's anti-fragility
The strength of Bitcoin's decentralisation
Personal anti-fragility
00:41:03: How Bitcoin makes you view the world
Bitcoin is Common Sense
The "how" and "why" of Bitcoin's 21 million fixed supply
Bitcoin Fixes This
Bitcoin is the great definancialisation
Unchained Capital
01:30:46: Final comments



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PodcastPeter McCormack