The Orange Pill with Dave Smith

Dave Smith is a comedian and host of ‘Part Of The Problem Podcast’. In this interview, we discuss libertarianism, government responses to COVID and the political climate in the UK and US. We also reflect on economic challenges facing individuals, particularly the younger generation's struggle with housing affordability, whilst critiquing government control over money and how Bitcoin limits this power. The episode also covers the role of comedians in defending free speech.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Orange Pilling Wall Street with Hunter Horsley

Hunter Horsley is the Co-founder and CEO of Bitwise. In this interview, we discuss the launch of the Bitcoin ETFs, including the impact on investors and the investment market, and the broader implications for the monetary system and the future of Bitcoin. We talk about regulatory challenges and the importance of educating financial advisors on Bitcoin. The conversation also covers the mechanics of ETFs, the role of authorized participants and the services Bitwise provide.

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PodcastPeter McCormack