Is Bitcoin Warfare? With Jason Lowery

Jason Lowery is a Major in the US Space Force and the author of Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin. In this interview, we discuss how he is building the case within the US Department of Defence that Bitcoin represents a new form of digital warfare that the US government needs to embrace to secure its power projection in cyberspace.

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10 Rules for Life with Michael Saylor

Michael Saylor is the CEO of MicroStrategy. In this interview, we discuss his 10 tips for young adults, the opportunities and threats of AI, the importance of Bitcoin in an automated world, the strength of ossification compared to accelerating change, and the criticality of Bitcoin miners to the Bitcoin network. We also talk about Michael’s navigation of the bear market.  

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1000 Years of Inflation with Rune Østgård

Rune Østgård is the Author of ‘Fraudcoin: 1000 Years with Inflation as a Policy’. In this interview, we discuss inflation’s historical introduction and use as an exploitative tool by elites, and how, in various phases of history (most recently the early 20th century) inflation was not viewed as a required economic phenomenon. To Rune, there is no more important subject to understand than inflation.

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How Fedimint Scales Bitcoin with Obi Nwosu

Obi Nwosu is a co-founder of Fedimint and a board member of Jack Dorsey’s and Jay-Z’s ₿trust. In this interview, we discuss the mission of Fedimint: empowering communities around the world by allowing them to take control of their money. We also talk about the importance of trust models in relation to storing Bitcoin in Fedimint.

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A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin with Bradley Rettler

Bradley Rettler is an Associate Professor of Philosophy, and a member of the Resistance Money a philosophy research collective focused on Bitcoin. In this interview, we discuss the potential ethical implications of AI, philosophical reflections on money creation and governance, the importance of financial literacy, and combating misinformation about Bitcoin.

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Gold, Bitcoin & Inflation with Lawrence Lepard

Lawrence Lepard is an Investment Manager and Austrian Economist. In this interview, we discuss gold and Bitcoin, comparing their relative benefits as assets over short and long time scales. We also discuss inflation, the potential threats to Bitcoin, inequality in society, and the challenges of finding credible leaders in politics.

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Escaping Hyperinflation in a Rolls Royce with Freddie New

Freddie New is the Head of Policy at Bitcoin Policy UK. In this interview, we discuss how his childhood experiences living in Zimbabwe and Syria have shaped his understanding of Bitcoin’s unique properties. We also discuss his amazing efforts in setting up Bitcoin Policy UK, a new and much-needed advocacy group promoting Bitcoin to policymakers and the wider public in the United Kingdom.

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Why Deflation is the Key to Abundance with Jeff Booth

Jeff Booth is the Author of The Price of Tomorrow and CEO/Chairman of Ego Death Capital. In this interview, we discuss the effects of prices falling to the marginal cost of production, Bitcoin and its role in a deflationary economy, how inflation and debt distribute wealth unfairly, and the deflationary influence of AI and its impact on the future.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Recession is Coming with James Lavish

James Lavish is a Bitcoin advocate and writer of the Informationist newsletter. In this interview, we discuss central banks' manipulation of the monetary system, the eye-melting bailouts to come, an inevitable credit event the Fed will be unable to rectify, why BRICS pressure doesn’t currently threaten the dollar, and how the US rejecting Bitcoin may lead to hyperbitcoinisation.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Regulatory Threat to Bitcoin with Jason Brett

Jason Brett is a former FDIC regulator who worked through the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. In this interview, we discuss the Restrict Act, a proposed piece of US legislation that could enable the Secretary of Commerce to shutter access to Bitcoin. We also talk about Operation Chokepoint 2.0, the banking crisis, and whether Bitcoin is a threat to the banks.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Truth About Bitcoin Mining with Lane Rettig

Lane Rettig is a core developer for Spacemesh. In this interview, we discuss the much-criticised New York Times article that attacked Bitcoin mining, specifically focusing on its strange attacks on demand response and the use of marginal emissions accounting. We also talk about the difficulties of finding truth in a world with misaligned incentives.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Scaling Bitcoin Privacy with Calle

Calle is a Bitcoin and Lightning developer contributing to LNBits and the Cashu ecash system. In this interview, we discuss Cashu’s mission and development, undertake a live demonstration of it in action, the importance of privacy, removing ideology from Bitcoin, and the future of AI and robots.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Sovereign Debt Bubble with Luke Gromen

Luke Gromen is the Founder and President of Forest for the Trees (FFTT). In this interview, we discuss how governments can navigate the first busting global debt bubble in 100 years. We talk about historical precedents: namely the Weimar Republic in the 1930s and Israel in the 1980s, and how governments may be forced to allow for a compressed period of triple-digit inflation.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Failure of Central Banking with Matthew Mežinskis

Matthew Mežinskis is the creator of the Crypto Voices podcast and Porkopolis Economics website. In this interview, we discuss why free banking has always failed due to central interference, and how Bitcoin changes the rules of the game. We also talk about how credit is a natural economic phenomenon, and why narrow banking is centralising in nature.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Corruption of Power & Influence with Ahmed Gatnash

Ahmed Gatnash is an author, activist and co-founder of the Kawaakibi Foundation. In this interview, we discuss how the hope of the Arab Spring has been ruthlessly suppressed, meaning the middle east is further from democracy than ever. It’s a breathtaking story of brave activists fighting Twitter’s exploitation, Jamal Khashoggi’s murder and the blackmailing of Jeff Bezos.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Failure of Government Economic Policy with Dan Tubb

Dan Tubb is a podcaster and former venture capitalist. In this interview, we discuss the problems with fixing the sovereign debt problem in the context of broken media, broken politics and broken international institutions. We talk about the general ignorance of the problems facing society, and how this compounds the difficulty of resolving the situation.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Decentralisation of Bitcoin Mining with Braiins

Jan Čapek and Pavel Moravec are the co-founders of Braiins, a Bitcoin Mining company. In this interview, we discuss Braiins update to their updated Stratum V2 protocol software for pooled mining, how it helps solve Bitcoin mining’s centralisation problem, and why Braiins has given the Stratum software away to the community as open source.

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PodcastPeter McCormack