The Failure of Government Economic Policy with Dan Tubb

Dan Tubb is a podcaster and former venture capitalist. In this interview, we discuss the problems with fixing the sovereign debt problem in the context of broken media, broken politics and broken international institutions. We talk about the general ignorance of the problems facing society, and how this compounds the difficulty of resolving the situation.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Decentralisation of Bitcoin Mining with Braiins

Jan Čapek and Pavel Moravec are the co-founders of Braiins, a Bitcoin Mining company. In this interview, we discuss Braiins update to their updated Stratum V2 protocol software for pooled mining, how it helps solve Bitcoin mining’s centralisation problem, and why Braiins has given the Stratum software away to the community as open source.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Global Financial Crisis 2? With Lyn Alden

Lyn Alden is a macroeconomist and investment strategist. In this interview, we discuss the recent run of bank failures: the causes, the impacts on the banking sector, federal support and exposure, and the likelihood of continued stress in the system. We also discuss a coming decade of recurring inflation and the emergence of reserve currency competition in a multi-polar world.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Bushido of Bitcoin with Aleks Svetski

Aleks Svetski is an entrepreneur, author and Bitcoin advocate. In this interview, we discuss his upcoming book “The Bushido of Bitcoin”. We cover the negative impacts of wealth, how Bitcoiners can mitigate such negative influences by becoming virtuous and disciplined, and why famous warrior classes are examples to follow.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
A Bitcoin Reality Check with Sergej Kotliar

Sergej Kotliar is the founder and CEO of Bitrefill. In this interview, we discuss enabling Bitcoin circular economies, the mission of Bitrefill to be a financial empowerment company, the risks and rewards of using zero-confs for processing transactions, and the many different cultures and communities Bitcoin has spawned.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Economics of Privacy with Max Hillebrand

Max Hillebrand is an economist and open-source entrepreneur who runs Agora Towards Liberty. In this interview, we discuss fiat money’s fundamental weaknesses, the teachings of Austrian Economics, the importance of privacy, and how nano cameras mean privacy technology will need to keep evolving.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Why Progressives Need Bitcoin with Trey Walsh

Trey Walsh is a nonprofit director and progressive Bitcoiner. In this interview, we discuss the problems facing Gen Z: climate change, high education and housing costs, wider economic problems constraining opportunities, the erosion of democracy, and social media-induced mental health challenges. We talk about why Bitcoin could provide hope to this hopeless generation.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Bitcoin’s Operation Chokepoint with Doomberg

Doomberg is an anonymous collective producing the world’s most popular financial substack. In this interview, we discuss coordinated action against the crypto industry being undertaken with limited congressional approval or oversight. We talk about historical precedents, what this could mean for Bitcoin and Bitcoiners, and why we need a financial bill of rights.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Bank Runs, Bailouts & Bitcoin with Caitlin Long

Caitlin Long is the Founder and CEO of Custodia bank. In this interview, we discuss the events that have led to three banking failures within a week, one of which saw the biggest bank run on record. We talk about anti-crypto coordination involving the US government, the inherent instability of the traditional finance system and how this is another signal that the game is up.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Beginners Guide Part 1/3 - Why Bitcoin? With American HODL

American HODL is a Bitcoiner who has been promoting the innovation for over 8 years. In this interview, we discuss why is Bitcoin important: what makes it an improved version of money, why society needs it, how it improves inclusion and thereby the world, the proof we have that Bitcoin can work, and how the world will look in the future with and without Bitcoin.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
Building a Bitcoin Community with Thomas Pacchia

Thomas Pacchia is a Bitcoin entrepreneur and the co-owner of Pubkey, a Bitcoin bar in New York City. In this interview, we discuss how a desire to revive a local bar after Covid inspired the establishment of Pubkey, its importance as a focal point for Bitcoin in New York City, and how its success could inspire more Pubkeys in more cities.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
What Does Bitcoin Actually Fix with George Kaloudis

George Kaloudis is a senior research analyst and columnist for CoinDesk. In this interview, we discuss the validity of Bitcoin ideology. Can it replace governments? Does it promote individualism? Is Bitcoin’s distribution fair? Can Bitcoin fix the world? We unpick popular Bitcoin maxims to sift genuine slogans of change from the hyperbolic froth.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
How the Fed “Went Broke” with Lyn Alden

Lyn Alden is a macroeconomist and investment strategist. In this interview, we discuss her latest article: How the Fed “Went Broke”. Lyn explains how for the first time in modern history the Federal Reserve is operating at a loss. We talk about the ramifications in terms of continuing high inflation, the bankruptcy of government agencies, and the impacts on the Fed’s independence.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
WBD Live - NYC: Junseth on Ordinals with Junseth

Junseth is an OG Bitcoiner and the former co-host of Bitcoin Uncensored. In this live interview, recorded at Pubkey in New York, we discuss the latest Bitcoin phenomenon - ordinals. We also talk about the philosophy of Bitcoin: what it’s for, what it can be, and how it’s still the only blockchain that adds value to society.

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PodcastPeter McCormack
The Future of Bitcoin Banking with Eric Yakes

Eric Yakes is the author of ‘The 7th Property’. In this interview, we discuss how a Bitcoin native banking system could evolve, predicated on a practical vision where not everyone will be able or willing to self-custody. Eric has theorised how Fedimints may form the basis for a new digital age of free banking, and the risks and opportunities this would present.

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PodcastPeter McCormack