Why Buy Bitcoin? With Andy Edstrom

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The longer we spend doing this, the more we learn about it, the deeper down the rabbit hole we fall, the more likely, or the clearer it seems that this is a major, major civilisational inflection point.
— Andy Edstrom


Location: Remotely
Date: Tuesday 12th January
Company: Swan Bitcoin
Head of Institutional Investment

Why buy bitcoin is a complicated question to answer. Bitcoin is many different things to different people. It is a censorship-resistant form of payment for those living under authoritarian regimes; for some, it is a hedge against inflation, while it is purely speculative for many others.

Even with Bitcoin adoption growing and maturing, the public perception of Bitcoin is still mixed. The mainstream media is somewhat to blame. It regularly pedals false narratives such as the funding of terrorism or Bitcoin being for drug dealers and network security that is melting the polar icecaps. As Bitcoiners we are used to dealing with this kind of FUD, Bitcoin has been declared dead hundreds of times, yet it continually bounces back.

So, why buy Bitcoin?

In this interview, I talk to Andy Edstrom, author of Why Buy Bitcoin. We discuss his investment thesis for Bitcoin, why Bitcoin continues to thrive and address the common misconceptions and FUD surrounding it.


00:03:47: Introductions
00:05:07: Dads!
00:08:02: The problem with the unit price
00:09:05: Dollar cost averaging
00:11:32: "Why buy Bitcoin"
00:16:36: Digital gold
00:18:26: The characteristics of Bitcoin
00:26:27: The magical property of Bitcoin
Why Bitcoin is here to stay
00:32:02: Journalistic integrity
00:36:38: Categorising Bitcoin
00:41:30: Volatility still an issue
00:44:12: Halvings
00:46:41: Investment mistakes
00:55:36: Lightning Network
00:56:51: Bitcoin vs real estate
00:59:25: The psychological impact of the rising price
01:02:33: Getting started on the Bitcoin journey
01:05:43: Knowing if and when to sell
01:07:50: The risks explained…
01:09:58: … environmental
01:15:02: … technical
01:17:00: The Fourth Turning
01:20:18: Cybersecurity
01:22:32: Final comments



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