End of the Long-Term Debt Cycle with Dylan LeClair


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There’s some pretty big stuff happening behind the scenes. I’m no commodities expert, I’m not in this every day, but I’ve been watching the charts and it’s like, my god, there’s something’s breaking. You see volatility across commodities, equities, credit markets, foreign exchange. I think it’s going to intensify, there’s no happy ending here over the short term.
— Dylan LeClair


Dylan LeClair is a Bitcoin and macro analyst working for Bitcoin Magazine. In this interview, we discuss the playing out of the long term debt cycle, the coming commodity wars, how Bitcoin is a lifeboat, and transitionary investments.

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We are living through unprecedented times, where the old ways of order are expected to crumble. And yet, life seems comfortably familiar. This can lure people into a false sense of confidence that the political, economic, and monetary norms will continue undiminished into the future.

The same sense gripped German citizens during the 1920s. ‘When Money Dies’ documents how “Financially, for nearly four years, the ultimate cataclysm was always just around the corner. It always arrived, and there was always an even worse one on its way — again, and again, and again.” And we’re seeing the beginnings of such cataclysms affecting the price of living.

Inflation, shortages of goods, energy price spikes, and currency failures could be mischaracterized as isolated singular events. But are they in fact, signals of a wider connected pattern of seismic shocks as the global economy adjusts to the impact of the long-term debt cycle?

If Bitcoin is a lifeboat, why isn’t it reflected in the price? Bitcoin is still acting like a risk asset, but for how long?


00:04:10: Introductions
00:08:53: End of the long-term debt supercycle
00:12:26: Yield curve control explained
00:14:33: The current debt bubble collapse
00:18:22: Hedging Bitcoin and Portfolio management
00:25:06: Global reserve currencies and the declining petrodollar
00:37:18: Moving to a Bitcoin standard
00:42:33: Commodity wars
00:49:33: Price controls
00:59:09: Bitcoin is a lifeboat
01:06:55: Whether or not on-chain is still useful
01:10:14: Final comments



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