Bitcoin & The Battle For The Fate Of Humanity with Mark Moss


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From the beginning of time it’s been oppression, revolution, freedom, oppression, revolution, freedom; and I think the cycle that’s happened since the beginning of time is about to be broken, I think the battle that we’re facing right now is for the battle of humanity.
— Mark Moss


Location: Miami
Date: Wednesday 1st December
Role: Market Analyst

Studying history helps us paint a detailed picture of where we stand today. But, our modern society is complex; it is shaped by the interplay between political, social, cultural, technological, and financial spheres. So, understanding our world requires gaining a knowledge of a range of histories. 

When one gains a full appreciation of the past, patterns can be identified. Sometimes, extraordinary patterns in society can emerge. 

We’re on the cusp of a cyclical convergence that happens only once every 250 years. The last time this happened democracy was born and the world changed forever.

We’re again at such a moment, where momentous change is upon us. But the future is unclear, and this time the cycles could break. We could be on a path to an authoritarian future it may be impossible to return from.  

So could Bitcoin be the innovation upon which the fate of humanity depends?

In this interview, I talk to the serial entrepreneur and market analyst Mark Moss. We discuss the rare confluence of multiple societal cycles, the pendulum of individualism and collectivism, and how Bitcoin could disrupt it all.


00:02:34: Introductions
00:03:56: Mark's background
History repeating itself
Prepping for global catastrophic event
Global protests against centralisation
Competition breaks the trend of authoritarianism
The three converging cycles
The generational cycle
00:38:27: The pendulum cycle
00:44:14: Truth and morality, and Marxism
01:02:12: Cycles of centralisation and decentralisation
Technological revolutions
Social media's part in the cycles
"Bitcoin, not crypto"
01:31:17: The metaverse
Financial cycles and The Great Reset
Facing the battle for the fate of humanity
01:57:12: Final comments



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