A Progressive’s Case for Bitcoin with Jason Maier


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Bitcoin has the potential to help with these progressive ideas; but in order for that to be successful, it doesn’t mean that all of the libertarian or conservative ideas have to be wrong.
— Jason Maier


Jason Maier is a teacher and progressive Bitcoiner. In this interview, we discuss his inspiration for writing a book setting out his case, as a progressive, for Bitcoin. The public narrative and FUD around Bitcoin are antithetical to progressives, yet, its utility is aligned with progressive ideals.

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Bitcoin should be a broad church. The original cypherpunks philosophy was predicated on anarchist ideals, to work outside of government controls. This attitude is analogous to a wide variety of political philosophies, including those on the left who feel disenfranchised by the current global capitalist hegemony. And yet, Bitcoin has historically been viewed as being antithetical to progressives.

The mainstream narrative is that Bitcoiners are predominantly libertarian, with explicit views on the need to reduce the size of the state, the coercive nature of taxation, and the importance of self-reliance. In addition, there is significant criticism about the environmental harm being done by Bitcoin mining through its energy demands. Given our polarised society, it’s not surprising that progressives are immediately turned off.

And yet, there has been a marked increase in the number of progressive voices entering the community over the past few years. These people have risen to prominence given their impassioned and articulate advocacy for Bitcoin. It is a new wave of orange-pilled adoption that has identified broad utility that is aligned to, rather than being at odds with, progressive ideals.

Whether it’s that Bitcoin is providing sovereignty and security to marginalized communities, that Bitcoin acts as a constraint to unfettered government economic power, or that Bitcoin is actually enabling market-driven solutions to environmental issues - there are many obvious fact-based reasons why progressives should be enthused by the application of Satoshi’s innovation.

The reason why the increase in left-leaning adoption hasn’t turned into a flood is in part due to education. There are a limited number of resources available to those starting on their Bitcoin journey. This is where people like Jason Maier hope to make a difference. Material written by a progressive will provide an authentic message specifically tailored to this audience.

This should be exciting for all Bitcoiners. If Bitcoin is to become global money we need as wide an audience as possible to see value in it.


00:04:47: Introductions
00:07:19: Jason's background
A Bitcoin competition of ideas across the political spectrum
Understanding money
An orange pilling moment and converting the masses
Transitioning to a new financial system
Different use cases for Bitcoin
Impact of compounding inflation, and the housing market
Understanding progressives
Debating "taxation is theft"
00:55:04: Bitcoin community's view of progressives
Progressives' resistance to Bitcoin, and the energy debate
Bitcoin's value proposition
A Bitcoin framework for progressives
Climate change, and a discussion on nuclear energy
01:25:57: Researching and writing the book
01:34:50: Final comments



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